Pulled Pork, Take Two: Smoked Shoulder

Posted by Katie Cooks On Friday, February 12, 2010 0 comments
I promised you a second method for the delicious party food that is pulled pork. This is of the manly, smoked variety.  My husband takes great pride in his smoked pork, and has been perfecting this method for years. Prepare this shoulder when you have some time; we're talking 6-12 hours. You might call this a labor of love. It's worth every minute.

Printable Recipe 

Smoked Pork Shoulder
We have smoked shoulders anywhere from 4-12 pounds. Cooking times will vary depending on the size roast you choose.

You will need:

Your favorite BBQ rub (1 tablespoon per pound of meat)
1 tablespoon olive oil
 Bone-in pork shoulder 

The night before smoking, massage half the rub over the meat, and let sit for 10 minutes. Next, rub the oil all over the meat, and follow with the remaining seasoning.

Wrap the meat in plastic wrap, and marinate over night in the refrigerator.

Smokin' Day: Prepare grill by warming coals in  a chimney starter.

Once the coals are covered in ash, set-up your grill for indirect heat by dividing your coals between two sides of the grill. Place an aluminum foil "boat" between the coals.

Place your meat (fat side up) on the center of the grate; add a few wood chips (applewood, perhaps?), and cover the grill. Add coals and chips as needed (about every hour). Cook until meat is charred on the outside and falling apart (about 1 1/2 hours per pound).

Remove from grill, and place in a shallow dish.

Shred pork with forks, or by hand. Serve on buns with your favorite BBQ sauce. This is some good eatin'!

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